Thursday, September 04, 2003

C.C.B...Poogey the demon obsessive - or is it?

My Husband believes that I have what he refers to as 'Compulsive Cleaning Behaviour' as to him I spend an unnecessary amount of time ensuring that our house is clean and tidy. Am I the only person who finds cleaning therapeutic??

I am in-fact married to 'stig in the dump'. Deacon (my husband) collects random stuff and is as happy as a pig in shit when he is down our local recycling centre picking out 'bargains' and bringing them home and presenting them to me as 'gifts'. Previous prize purchases include a bath, a microwave, a bathroom sink, a metal gate (that doesn't fit), a kitchen sink!? etc etc etc..... Give him credit where credit is due, he has saved us a bob or two over the years, however this is only the start of his hobby to take on a fictional childrens book character.

When I arrive home from work, I could tell you exactly where Deacon has been due to the trail of oblivion that seems to follow his around. I have come to the conclusion that not only does he collect and store crap dating back to his pre-pubescent years, he is on a mission to see exactly how long it will be before I crack under the mess and give in to his hunter/gatherer instincts.

Secretly I have to bin stuff when he is at work....if he catches me giving stuff away to charity he will put half of it back...'because you never might come in handy!'

So let's turn this around..What is the meaning of C.C.B.????? - Compulsive Collecting Behaviour me thinks!!!!!

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