Thursday, January 01, 2004

New Year Wish List

We all know that New Year Resolutions don't work.... Most of us break them within the first few weeks of January. To prevent this from happening to me this year, I have composed a 'Wish List' rather than make any resolutions, therefore I have nothing to break, but at the same time I can be reflective as to why I made the wishes in the first place. So here goes.....

Amy's 2004 Wish List:

1. To Stop Smoking - It is unnecessary and costs me money that I can't spare, there is nothing to gain from smoking, it is just an evil parasite feeding on my cravings for nicotine.

2. To get fit - I will never be a size 10, that isn't a realistic target, therefore if I can improve my fitness level through eating more healthily and exercising, then this has to be high on my wish list.

3. I never make a wish to be nicer to people because the feeling is often not reciprocated and then you just end up being a doormat. I will however remember that life is precious and it is always important to let those that are near and dear to you know that they are special people.

4. To pass year one of my Psychology A Level.

5. To be happy and pay more attention to my own feelings and to stop being so anal about everything all the time.

6. To keep my car clean. (this does not mean that I have to keep Deacon's clean as well though!)

If I think of anymore, I will add them as and when....

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