Friday, February 19, 2010


Feeling a bit tired and worn out this week. I am totally bemused as to how some people manage to keep their houses so immaculate. I can only assume that they store their kids, animals and husbands in the shed whilst they walk around with dusters on their feet. I think that cleaning is a bit like the painting of the golden gate bridge, a never ending job. If only I could get to the tipping point between clean and dirty that would be a start!

Right, on that note, I am off to tackle the other bane of my existence, the laundry...toodlepip!

1 comment:

charlie said...

Cleaning is one of those things that i've put in my 'not important' categories.
When i'm lying on my death bed (on unironed sheets) i very much doubt i will be thinking 'i wish i'd spent more time cleaning' or 'wish i'd spent more time at the office'.

I'll hopefully be thinking things like 'glad i sacked off the cleaning to have that great day at the beach, or time with family, or just dancing round the kitchin sining to the radio!'.

Cleaning - just do the necessary, but remember that some dirt and bugs help build our immune system!
C ;o)