Monday, February 08, 2010

Swine Flu - Update

So, as it would have it we did escape Swine Flu. Deacon called the out of hours GP last night because Ben’s temperature was on the increase again. Turns out that Ben has severe tonsillitis and is now on the highest dose of antibiotics known to man. This upset me rather, as having without reflection diagnosed swine flu (online) and started Ben on a course of Tamiflu. I told Deacon that he doesn’t need to see a doctor because he has flu symptoms and they advise patients to stay at home and away from the GP. Had Deacon not put his foot down and called the GP, Ben would most likely be getting worse today.

The whole situation has brought into question my judgement which is usually about as commonsensical as it can get. The guilty mother syndrome set in and I started beating myself up for my poor assessment. However I hastily stopped me bashing and recalled that I was only following well documented advice. I guess that the lesson learned here is to heed your own advice and instincts and to remember that the Government and Authorities are only giving you another opinion. At the end of the day, they are not the super humans we all seem to take them for. They can make just as many mistakes as the next man (and generally do!).

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