Saturday, March 27, 2010

We have finally entered the world of Finger Foods!

I was browsing the shelves in the baby section of Asda and found some Cow and Gate Rice Cakes that can be given to babies from 6 months. YAY I thought! It’s a wee bit too early to give them full on finger foods, but I was keen to get them started on the rice cakes anyway. (Disclaimer – We have already bought Farleys Rusks, but that doesn’t count as the babies didn’t get any.)
So, after their homemade (Annabel Karmel eat your heart out) Chicken Casserole I excitedly went to the cupboard to dig out the cakes.

Holly and Josh NOT IMPRESSED.

They took them,
looked at them,
then dropped them.
Again and Again....

I don’t know what I was expecting but I guess that I was half expecting them to be able to shell prawns by now! To be honest, if I were to be given any finger food, a cardboard tasting rice cake isn’t exactly the most appealing. I guess that there is a lot to be said for the grandparent philosophy of given the baby chocolate buttons as soon as it opens its mouth.

Will definitely persevere. It’s just hard work with hoover dogs Pixie and Ella around the babies when I’m trying to give any sort of food.
Ooo, have also seen these strange feeding nets!!!??!! Any experience of using these will be gratefully received; I just think that they are a bit of a gimmick to be honest.

That’s all for now. xxx

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